[Support request] A question of timing

  • May 9, 2022 at 9:27 pm #1050

    I asked a question before but I’m not sure I explained my self correctly.
    So it’s day 11 of the grow ( time to turn on my auto pots, I have 2 ) so I make a mix of nutrients – they have a mixed life of 1 week according to the instructions. I’ll make 4 litres as a guess. By day 17 my nutrients needs to be replaced. I have no way of gauging if the 4 litres was enough/too much or too little. How do I go through my first grow knowing what’s enough before my nutrients becomes unusable. I chose this system because I don’t have constant access to my grow.

    May 9, 2022 at 9:30 pm #1052

    Hi Dale,

    Fertiliser does not have a shelf life of one week, who told you that???..Just fill the tank with the correct quantities of fertiliser and don’t worry…. read the catalogue and brochure to understand things further, they will both help immensely… they can be viewed on the website

    May 9, 2022 at 9:30 pm #1053

    Hi Dale,

    Fertiliser does not have a shelf life of one week, who told you that???..Just fill the tank with the correct quantities of fertiliser and don’t worry…. read the catalogue and brochure to understand things further, they will both help immensely… they can be viewed on the website

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