[Support request] Autopot XXL – Living Soil – Moisture

  • May 30, 2023 at 11:42 am #1214

    I recently setup 3 autopot xxl systems with the 13gal pots. I use Build A Soil light soil. I saturate to 35% measured by an ecowitt moisture meter, same that Jeremy in Build a Soil uses and also the same ones I used in earthboxes (similar style as autopot different mechanics). I turned on all the autopot systems and it does not seem that the autopot keeps anything more than the bottom 2-3 inches moist. I watch the moisture level of the pot go down gradually through a day or two until it gets too low for the plants and I need to top water again. What could I be doing wrong? If this behaves like other SIP systems, this should have no problem keeping the moisture of the pot from 35-40%.

    May 30, 2023 at 11:56 am #1222

    Hi …. using moisture meters with AutoPot is pointless as the plant is controlling the water uptake via the AQUAvalve…. I think you are over worrying, are the plants looking OK, if so simply let the system do it’s thing … Regards Josh….. if you need further help as I am based in the UK, have a chat with the chaps at http://www.autopot-usa.com

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