[Support request] Bio tabs

  • January 6, 2023 at 11:59 am #1164

    Hi Josh
    I have just started to us the 25L auto pots. I use bio tabs and was wondering the best way to get bactrex microbes into the pot and microbe teas. Am I best watering into the tray or on top of the soil. I know you say salts are at the top of the soil but is that the case with bio tabs. Many thanks

    January 6, 2023 at 12:03 pm #1169

    Hi There…. As AutoPot is bottom fed it is best to turn off the reservoir for 12 hours during this time the tray will become empty ….. once it is pour the solution into the tray ….. not on the AQUAvalve …… leave for an hour or so and then repeat….. just fill up the tray to the level just above the AQUAvalve pipe connection point…..leave tap off for 12 hours and then turn back on …… and repeat as and when required….

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