[Support request] Hoses keep popping off pots

  • June 23, 2022 at 11:54 am #1086

    So the hoses keep popping out of the pots. I tried hose clamps, was well as silicone. I received 2 different sizes; the larger one is the same size as the little deal it slips into, the smaller one is a bit small and the slightest jostling pops them out, and water goes everywhere. I’m almost ready to try a dab of glue to keep them in place, but I’d really rather not … I wish I could send you pictures but I don’t see an option here for that 🙁

    June 23, 2022 at 11:55 am #1088

    Hi ….. where in the world are you, are you using the official AutoPot pipe and fittings and if you have made connections before then snip the end off the pipe and re-connect. All official AutoPot pipe and fittings are water tight.

    June 24, 2022 at 7:03 pm #1089

    I am in the United States. I am using all AutoPot fittings and equipment. And I promise, the hoses are very loose where they fit into the pot trays, they just kind of rest in there. Any movement at all pops them out. Is there any way for me to send you pictures?

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